Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hearts for Haiti

the earthquake in haiti last week was devastating.  that country has had to endure hardship after hardship for many many years.  there are many wonderful organizations that have been quick to respond to this most recent disaster by providing food, water and other emergency supplies and rescuers.  but what happens later?  after the headlines die down?  our thoughts will once again be focused on our country..and i'm not sayiing that is a bad thing b/c quite frankly we have alot of problems in our country right now that need immediate attention.

but - even with our country's unemployment problems and healthcare issues (both of which my family is experiencing firsthand) i can't stop thinking that even though we are dealing with cobra and looking for work - we have each other.  my boys have 2 parents, a roof over their head, quality education, too many clothes/toys/opportunities........and for that i feel truly blessed and thankful to live in this country. 

in haiti - many have no roofs or toys or food.  many have lost their children, their parents, their family and friends.  i may not be able to help with that kind of loss...but i can help them not lose hope.   

that is what the hearts compaign is all about.  making a connection to people in crisis - heart to heart.

with the recent earthquake i am focusing on the children of haiti.  those left orphaned and alone.  i want to provide a glimmer of hope - to bring a smile to a child who otherwise has no reason to smile.

this campaign will provide homemade heart pillows w/doll to children in an orphanage in haiti. i am partnering with lisa from rosamund in this effort.  she will handle the blankets end of it. we have a way of getting them to haiti and a rough timeline of when it will all happen this year.  as details get ironed out i will post them here with information on how you can get involved.  even if you and your family want to make one pillow and/or one blanket that is enough to make a child smile.

my vision is to use the hearts campaign for any peoples or country in crisis.  right now our focus is haiti.  together we can make a difference.


  1. this is wonderful. Do you have some pictures/patterns for the heart pillows/dolls?
    I would like to present this idea to help to my small Quaker knitting group on Wednesday. Maybe we could knit little dolls?
    Warm wishes,

  2. what a great idea...I'll include you as a link on my small seeds page.
